Growing plants and animals is a hugely therapeutic exercise for all the young people (and us!) referred to the farm. We are always looking to include as many young people in all the activities we can. Those young people that visit who are confined to wheelchairs we want to include in our veggie garden work and with the help of the Milkwood Newsletter (check out the Milkwood website if you haven’t before. Great source of info.), and advice from other sources, we have completed our first wicking bed. Having it elevated at an appropriate height is a great asset for us.

In simple terms a wicking bed is made up of a water holding reserviour in the base of the garden and a membrane that separates the water from the layer of soil on top. As the plants need water they draw it up from below. We have planted this one out with a range of herbs and a bath of water chestnuts in the centre. A small worm farm is included on the left hand end to add nutrient. The final planting was completed by the School @ The Farm students training in Horticulture.