We love that our community engages with us, they like and follow us on our social media platforms, they ask questions and offer support when we need it.
Last year, we asked our community to sign a petition on our behalf, asking the NSW Government to help us with purchasing a new ATV vehicle for the farm. The response was more than we hoped for, as not only did we gain many votes, but we also received a grant to purchase a new Kubota.
However, the generosity of our community didn’t end there. One day we received a message from Craig Hollway and David Baker who wanted to donate their Kubota to us. It was in excellent working order and had no mechanical issues. This came as a great and very welcome surprise to us, and we humbly accepted their incredibly big-hearted donation.
When asked, Craig said that they had been following A Taste of Paradise Farm on Facebook for a while and thought it would be nice to be able to do something that would help the farm and the kids who come to it. We should not be surprised by the generosity of our community, as over the last 21 years people have helped us in a great variety of ways, but it is such a blessing that people, like Craig and David, see the value in our work and want to partner with us in helping to change kids’ lives.
Craig and David’s kindness has meant that we are now able to work with more young people at the same time, in different parts of the farm. Thank you feels incredibly inadequate, but on behalf of the team and the young people who access our mentoring program, thank you very much.