By Sue Agar
One of the more unusual activities on our farm is the growing of edible flowers. There are several varieties grown and you can often pick some up at our stall at the Berry Farmers Market.
When the young people are first introduced to this concept, they are unsure about trying them. It is a credit to our mentors that they gain the trust of the young people to try eating some of the flowers. We also give them the opportunity of taste testing some of the other fresh produce straight from the garden. Often a new experience as well.
Gardening itself and nutrition too, can be activities and ideas that are new to our young people. Being able to plant seeds and watch the cycle of life in the garden as these seeds grow, are transplanted, and the produce eventually harvested, is another form of education and therapy we provide for our disadvantaged and at-risk young people. The peace of the farm and the natural environment go a long way towards providing a settling and life changing impact on our vulnerable youth.
We are also very appreciative of our gardening volunteers who keep our gardens going when the young people are not present or are off doing other activities. If you would like to join us in the gardens (or selling produce at the Farmers Markets) send an email to and come join our team and support our work.