Providing a mentoring program for our vulnerable young people, gives us plenty of opportunities to learn or update skills. While some of our training on the farm is more formal, we also take the opportunity to do some on the spot training too. Josie is one of our mentors with nursing skills and she recently volunteered to demonstrate how to use an Epipen. We keep several of these on hand for emergency use to treat any serious allergic reactions.
While we have never had to use one for real, the safety of our young people, staff and volunteers is very important to us and we like to keep up-to-date and knowledgeable just in case.
With our staff and volunteers gathered for morning tea, it was a perfect time to give some on the spot training. Jerry was our volunteer patient as Josie used our practice device (unfilled and no needle attached) to demonstrate the how, where and when to administer. Thanks to Josie and Jerry for the impromptu show and for making it both fun and informative!
We would also like to thank the Berry Pharmacy for supporting us in keeping our First Aid kits updated and complete. There are so many ways that people and businesses partner with us to help change kids’ lives and we are grateful to every one of them.